
South Burnett Hearing

South Burnett Hearing is owned by local clinicians Shae Cull and Jacinda Gibson who both have over 13 years experience providing hearing services to the South Burnett community. With both clinicians being born and raised in the South Burnett, they are passionate about continuing to help their local community by assisting them to obtain the best hearing possible.

They provide all hearing related services including hearing tests, wax removal, hearing aids, tinnitus assessments, assistive listening devices, over the counter hearing aids, assistance with TV and phone and everything else in between.

Shae Cull
Jacinda Gibson

This business was started so that the citizens of the South Burnett Community could be provided with the best service available. They wanted to be free to provide the best solution for each individual patient and feel that being independent is essential to be able to do this. They are registered for the government funded Hearing Services Program, so can provide subsidised service to anyone with a Centrelink pension or select Department of Veterans Affairs card.

At South Burnett Hearing the importance of hearing is strongly promoted, not just for communication and to prevent social isolation but also because of it’s proven link to other medical conditions such as dementia. It is an important sense to maintain and they will be there every stop of the way to help in any way possible.

Shae Cull – Shae is an Audiometrist passionate about providing exceptional service and customer focused outcomes.

With a focus on adult hearing rehabilitation and tinnitus, Shae relishes problem solving and providing the right solution for the right patient.

When she’s not helping the world to hear better, Shae is an avid crafter and enjoys spending time with her husband and twin boys.